First Postpartum Half Marathon: Surf City Race Recap
That certainly felt very similar to my first half marathon ever - unsure of whether or not I would finish and wondering what would happen after I got to mile 12 (the longest I’d run prior to the half). Well, I survived AND it went much better than I expected!

My First Postpartum Race - I'm BACK!
I did it! I ran my first race since having Quentin and honestly - it went better than I expected!
I’ve shared a bit on my Instagram about some of the setbacks I’ve had since coming back to running postpartum.
CIM Race Recap
First, thanks to everyone who tracked me and sent messages of encouragement and congratulations last weekend. You probably already know that I did not run a sub 3 hour marathon. I came SO close though and ran a 3:01:24. 85 seconds away from goal. Crossing the finish line was a huge mix of emotions and tears, but let’s start from the beginning to how I got there.

2019 Grandma's Marathon Race Recap
Well that was a disappointing race, no? While I didn’t hit my goal of going sub-3, I’m surprisingly ok with it. I haven’t figured out if my body really just didn’t cooperate or if my mind just gave in too early. I went into this race so tired.

2019 Boston Marathon Race Recap
A week later and I’m definitely still riding that post-Boston marathon high! I am still so in awe of how amazing the day felt and how much I fully enjoyed the race experience. It was everything I hoped it would be. I wanted to link you up to my 2017 Boston Recap post because the post race thoughts on Boston at that point resonate with me now. This race is hard to race. I felt lucky I wasn’t out for blood this year, because I would’ve been wrecked. Lowering my expectations and running this race for fun brought back all the love I missed out on two years ago.

Thrive Half Marathon Race Recap
When I signed up for the Thrive Half Marathon a few months ago, it was intended to be my goal race. I’m never sure what the weather will be like at Long Beach, so I wanted to have an option a few weeks later to test fitness again and chase my half marathon goal.

2018 Long Beach Half Marathon Race Recap
I haven’t blogged in a while! Time is scarce, but I thought it would be fun to recap Long Beach because it is my hometown race and the first time I got to be in a race with my athletes and meet up with them in real life!

San Diego Half Marathon Race Recap
Holy hills this was a tough race! I knew when I signed up for this race that it would be a challenging one, but this hill was like no other.

2017 NYC Marathon Race Recap - A NEW PR!
Marathon recaps are so hard... mostly because it's such a long race, how can I remember every moment??? But I want to relive this race over and over because it was the BEST RACE EVER!!!!!!!!