The Importance of Cutback Weeks for Runners
Incorporating cutback weeks into your training program is vital for long-term success and injury prevention. By allowing your body and mind to recover, you enhance your overall performance and ensure consistent progress. Remember, training smarter, not just harder, is the key to becoming a stronger, more resilient runner.

Best Types of Cross-Training for Runners
Cross training is a very broad term that can encompass many different activities, which in turn causes confusion among athletes on how to incorporate cross training into their programming and why you would want to include it.

How to Break Through a Running Plateau
Running plateaus can be frustrating, especially when you're putting in the effort but not seeing the progress. Understanding what causes these plateaus and how to overcome them can help you break through and reach new levels in your running journey.

Bob and Brad C2 Pro Massage Gun Review
I was excited when Bob and Brad’s team reached out to me to review their new C2 Pro massage gun. I’ve had a Theragun for several years, but have been interested in how other massage guns on the market compared. I got back into running after meniscus repair surgery about 10 weeks ago, so the timing of sending me this product was perfect.

Why First-Time Marathoners Should Skip the Speed Work: Building a Solid Foundation for Success
You’ve decided to train for a marathon? Congratulations on taking this huge leap and making it a goal to join the less than .2% of the population who have completed a marathon!
As you prepare to embark on this journey, it is essential to lay a solid foundation for success.

Lessons Learned from a Year-Long Injury Battle
At the beginning of 2023, I was a month out from my first marathon in 3 years and first postpartum marathon…. and I started having knee pain. I did a 21 mile long run and could barely walk without pain the next day. With no traumatic event, I assumed it was runner’s knee.

Mastering the Phases of Endurance Running: A Guide to Building Your Training Block
Running is more than just lacing up your shoes and hitting the pavement; it's a year-round journey with distinct phases or periods, each essential for peak performance and enjoyment. Let’s dive into the various phases of an endurance running block, from the foundational base-building phase to the challenging taper leading into race day, and the crucial recovery period post-race.

What is Base Building for Runners?
Have you heard of base building? I’m sure you have. It’s probably the least glamorous part of training and many of us are tempted to skip this phase of training all together. BUT - don’t do that. While base building is boring, it’s also the most crucial part of a successful training plan.

Summer Running Tips - How to Run Better in the Heat!
It’s getting hot and that means running will feel harder than it has the last few months. Don’t despair, you’re not losing fitness, we promise! If you prepare yourself well, you’ll be able to crush those summer runs and take that fitness into the fall with you.

Top 8 Fall Marathons in the United States (Outside of the Marathon Majors)
We’re closing out the spring marathon season and you may be wondering, what’s next? We’ve compiled a list of our top 8 fall marathons in the United States outside of the marathon majors. This list was compiled from personal experience as well as coaching over the years and some of the most popular fall marathons our athletes choose over and over.

What is the Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale and How to Use It in Running
Have you ever heard of the Rate of Perceived Exertion scale? Even if you have heard of it, maybe you aren’t sure how to use it in your training? Well, we’re here to share all the details about what it is, how it can help your training, and how to use it!

The Reality of Postpartum Running
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged or shared much about myself or what I’ve experienced since having Quentin. If you’ve followed me for the years prior to having a baby, you know that I’m nothing but honest because I want to connect with this community and that cannot be had without honesty and authenticity. But once I had Quentin, things changed.

First Postpartum Half Marathon: Surf City Race Recap
That certainly felt very similar to my first half marathon ever - unsure of whether or not I would finish and wondering what would happen after I got to mile 12 (the longest I’d run prior to the half). Well, I survived AND it went much better than I expected!
How to Make the Most of the Off-Season
The off season can be such a tricky time for athletes. There seem to be two extremes:
The athletes who turn things off and really soak up rest and recovery.
The athletes who fear deviating from the intensity and focus of training and can’t relax.
The balance and benefit of the off season lies in the middle.